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Hip Dysplasia: What Doctors Won't Tell You (And Don't Know!)
Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/9EXP9KX6vmI
If you've been told you have hip dysplasia and that you need PAO surgery to fix your hip pain, watch this video. We'll dive into the research on hip dysplasia. We'll look at...
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Foot Surgery Went Terribly Wrong (Cindy's Story)
Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/IiEh5tRmSPg
Doctors told Cindy she needed foot surgery and that she needed to give up hiking. She delayed following their advice for 10 years when foot pain became too much. When she...
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3 Things PTs Won't Tell You About Physical Therapy for Hip Impingement
Watch on YT: https://youtu.be/w2XwnriJNW0
You're looking for good physical therapy for hip impingement...but you keep getting frustrated with PT sessions that don't seem to help. Even when physical therapists want to...
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Get More Flexible When You Sit All Day?
Can you get more flexible if you sit a lot? Will sitting all day stop you from improving your flexibility? Is sitting the new smoking? Let's dive deep with a physical therapist with the brain, body, and experience to...
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Hip Pain from Hip Dysplasia and Hip Labrum Tear - How She Recovered!
Doctors told Erica her hip pain was from hip dysplasia and a hip labral tear. Her hip pain got so bad she had to walk with a cane. The surgery to fix hip dysplasia sounded brutal, so she tried to heal her hip pain...
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Multiple Knee Surgeries and Knee Pain in Her Forties
Suzette’s life fell apart when knee surgery stopped helping her knee pain. She couldn't move anymore. She couldn't stay active. She couldn't do the things she loved. She gained massive weight and no longer recognized...
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Knee Meniscus Tear - What to Do and Why
With a knee meniscus tear, the choice to treat your knee pain may seem straightforward. But should you jump into surgery for a knee meniscus tear? What does the research say? Can you heal a knee meniscus tear...
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Old Guy Fixes Knee Pain and Starts Running Again
Doctors will often tell you that knee pain is inevitable as you age. They’ll tell you that there’s nothing you can do to relieve knee pain besides rest and wait until your knees hurt so much that you need a knee...
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Hip Pain from Football - Life in the NFL
Playing in the NFL may seem like a dream come true, but it comes with its own set of challenges. In this video, former NFL player shares his experience with hip pain and the toll it takes on players' bodies. Get an...
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Get the Low Hanging Fruit!
If you're tired of feeling frustrated and confused about how to improve your body, this video is for you! We'll break down a super simple concept that will help you eliminate all the guesswork and start making...
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The Real Limits of Age and Exercise
What are the real limits of old age? Are you doomed to muscle loss, sarcopenia, and osteoporosis as you get older? What can you do to stay young for as long as possible?
HELPFUL LINKSToo Old to Jump?...
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Can this HEAL your hip cartilage?
What can astronauts teach us about your joint pain? This popular way to heal cartilage to fix hip or knee pain from “osteoarthritis” needs a serious look. Doctors recommend it all the time, and if it does work, will...
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