Upright Health's YouTube Channel TERMINATED

UPDATE October 18, 2021: 2:52PM
The Upright Health YouTube channel has been restored. Thanks to the retweets of fans on Twitter as well as the efforts of multiple Google employees who are also fans of Upright Health, YouTube reinstated the Upright Health YouTube channel.
I am very grateful for the show of support from so many strangers, and I'm glad things got resolved quickly.
I hope that YouTube creates a better system for dealing with channel shutdowns and appeals. Having an algorithm IMMEDIATELY shut down reputable channels due to obvious hijacking without any warning or investigation leaves creators like me with a VERY sour taste in the mouth.
October 18, 2021 8:30AM
Oh boy. It’s been a rough few days. On the morning of Friday October 15, a hacker in Russia compromised a password for a member of my youtube team. They then changed our channel name to TESLA LIVE and started live-streaming some kind of cryptocurrency scam…
After some sleuthing and fixing, I got things working again and the latest hip strengthening follow along was doing great! Lots of people were loving it! I was excited to see how many of you had been viewing that video and doing the workout!
I woke up this morning to check in on some new videos on YouTube and to get some more videos ready for the coming weeks.
I logged into YouTube and discovered I couldn’t access my channel.
And then I saw an email that said my YouTube channel has been TERMINATED for inciting illegal activity!
For context, I have had a YouTube channel since 2010, and I've posted more than 600 videos on YouTube...I had 319,000 subscribers. I never incited people to do engage in illicit/illegal activities...I just told people to exercise so their bodies would move right and feel right!
Getting hacked and having someone live stream inappropriate content was enough to get my channel COMPLETELY removed from YouTube.
So, you won’t be surprised to know that I”m freaking out quite a bit, so I’d like to ask for your help.
If you use twitter, please retweet my message here!
And feel free to message @TeamYouTube to tell them to reinstate Upright Health ASAP!
If you happen to know anyone at YouTube, please alert them to the issue and have them send an email to [email protected]!
Thanks in advance for your help and support. I’m going to be tearing my hair out and chewing my toes off in the meantime.
I have now uploaded some of my recent videos to a backup location. You can see them on Vimeo.
Wish me luck and remember: PAIN SUCKS. LIFE SHOULDN’T.
Matt Hsu
P.S. For anyone in the future who may experience this, this video on YouTube termination was quite helpful. I'm hoping it doesn't take me TWO WEEKS to get my account back online...