How to Improve Sleep and Fix Morning Stiffness

Matt shares 2 simple tips to improve your sleep and reduce morning stiffness. Tip #1: Stop using your phone or computer for at least 1 hour before going to bed. This gives your body and brain time to relax and recover before you sleep! Tip #2: Use apps like Appblock and Freedom to limit your total screen time in the day. For a deeper dive on this topic: 


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Hip Bursitis Workout - At Home Follow Along

Hip bursitis isn't permanent. Remember to ALWAYS THINK MUSCLES. This follow along workout will improve your hip mobility, build hip strength, and help you relieve hip pain gradually and safely.


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Muscles Always Feel Tight In the Morning

Feeling stiff in the morning has multiple causes. If you identify what's causing your stiffness, you can beat morning stiffness and start the day off with energy. You may be overworking, underworking, overstretching, or just doing the wrong exercises for your body! Take a deep dive into morning muscle stiffness so you can fix yours!


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Can't Lift Arm Out to Side? Stop this Shoulder Pain!


If you can't lift your arm out to the side because of shoulder pain, this video will help you out. If you first improve your thoracic extension you can improve shoulder mobility. Then you can strengthen your posterior shoulder muscles and stretch and strengthen your chest and anterior shoulder. These strategies will help you fix your shoulder pain when lifting your arm out to the side.


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Dangerous Body Signals - Weak and Stiff vs. BAD FOR YOU?


Matt discusses how to interpret signals from your body. He explains the differences between dangerous signals and signals of weakness. He explains how to adjust your approach to exercise to get stronger while staying safe and healthy.


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Workout for Hip Flexors + Glutes + Hamstrings


This follow along workout will help you strengthen your hip flexors, hamstrings, and glutes. If you have weak glutes, weak hamstrings, or weak hip flexors, you'll have trouble with hip extension and hip flexion. This workout will improve your hip mobility. Specifically, it will improve hip flexion and hip extension. Just grab a dumbbell and do this hip workout at home!


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Anterior Pelvic Tilt and Hip Impingement?


Anterior pelvic tilt and hip impingement - how are they are related? Does anterior tilt cause hip impingement? Does hip impingement cause anterior pelvic tilt? APT tells you that your hip, pelvis, and back muscles are not working well together. If you address the muscles that lead to anterior pelvic, you'll make it easier to fix your hip impingement related hip mobility challenges.


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Chronically Tight Hip Flexors

Matt talks about how to release tight hip flexors. When stretching and massage for stiff hip flexors doesn't work, these exercises will. The key is to build strength in your hip flexors so they feel strong and long again! Releasing tight hip flexors will help you with back pain and hip pain.



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Is Walking Good for Back Pain?


A student of the Back Pain Fix program asked why the Back Pain Fix program recommends 5 minutes of walking in Phase 1. In this video, Matt explains the rationale behind the recommendation to walk when you have back pain, and he explains how to build healthy habits. When you learn how to establish healthy habits, you can improve your physical and mental health much more easily.



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Too Weak to Exercise?


If you feel too weak to exercise, this video is for you. If you feel like you always need an easier exercise for your workouts, this video is for you. If you think that any exercise that is uncomfortable is a sign of danger, this video is for you!


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19 Lessons, 6 Free Workouts, and 3 Powerful Strategies to crush chronic tension with this FREE course!

This self-paced video course teaches you time-tested techniques that will save you thousands of dollars in massage and chiropractic appointments!