Why Your Pelvis Is Twisted (and What You Should Do)


Pelvic rotation can be caused by bone differences. Twisted pelvis can be caused by muscle imbalances. To fix pelvic rotation, you need to retrain the muscles that cause twisted pelvis. Even if you have a bone difference, you still need to use exercise and stretching to fix your twisted pelvis.


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Tests for Hip Impingement - What Doctors Aren't Telling You


In this video, I go over two tests used by doctors — FADIR and FABER — to determine if your hip pain comes from your having femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Many claim that hip impingement has a direct correlation with the results of these tests, but I take a deeper dive into the scientific literature to prove otherwise.


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Why Your Rhomboids Are Weak (vs. Primal Living)


Viewer Geoffrey asks: "what causes our rhomboids to get weak? How do we activate them in athletic activites or in a primal way? Our hips get weak from sitting in chairs and not walking, running, or squatting. What primal activities would strengthen the rhomboids?"


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3 Warnings for the Asian Squat


Some doctors and physical therapists say you should never do the Asian squat if you feel pain. In this video, you'll learn how to prevent injuries from doing the Asian squat and how to improve your deep squat safely.


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Rhomboids - Are Yours Dead and Damaged?


If your rhomboids feel numb or dead, don't waste your time with a shoulder exercise like the Prone Y or Prone W. You want to focus on exercises that more directly targeted at the rhomboids that don't allow for compensation.



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Strength Exercises to Fix Twisted Pelvis


If you have pelvic rotation, you need to do stretches and strength exercises to fix it. In this video, you'll learn strength exercises to help you fix your pelvic rotation. If you do this workout regularly, you'll be able to correct your twisted pelvis.


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Stronger Knees from Walking?


Is walking good for you? Is walking good for your knees? Can you build stronger knees walking? In this video we talk about walking and whether it's actually good for you, how it's good for you, and whether or not you can build strength from walking. If you have knee pain, you'll also learn a walking technique that will make your knees stronger so you can walk more comfortable.



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How I Killed My Low Back (And Fixed It)


I gave myself massive back pain by going surfing for several hours in one day. Once I figured out which muscles caused my back pain, I was able to use lat stretches to relieve my back pain and get back to traveling!


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The Best Workout to Do When Traveling!


This is a quick workout you can do at home or at a park. You'll use bodyweight exercises and a suspension trainer to build strength, balance, and coordination. You'll strengthen your chest, strengthen your legs, strengthen your shoulders, and strengthen your back with this simple workout.


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Leg Strengthening and IT Band Stretch for Long Drives


Leg strengthening that requires no equipment. IT band stretching that you can do anywhere. In this video, you'll learn how to strengthen your legs and stretch stiff IT band muscles while you're on long drives. Check out these simple, easy, and effective leg exercises and IT band stretches!


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19 Lessons, 6 Free Workouts, and 3 Powerful Strategies to crush chronic tension with this FREE course!

This self-paced video course teaches you time-tested techniques that will save you thousands of dollars in massage and chiropractic appointments!