What do you need to do to fix anterior tilt?

As personal trainers, we see anterior pelvic tilt a lot. As a result of our YouTube videos on different approaches and techniques relevant to training, we get a lot of questions about what’s really necessary to get stronger, fitter, and more mobile when you have anterior pelvic tilt. 

One of the big questions we get is about squatting and deadlifting and how they relate to anterior tilt. Specifically, people want to know whether squatting and deadlifting are actually necessary components of fixing anterior tilt!


What do squatting and deadlifting have to do with anterior tilt?

For people with anterior pelvic tilt, exercise selection is really important. If you do the wrong exercises, you can easily make...

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How to Fix Pain in the Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL muscle)

If you have tensor fasciae latae pain, you've got an ache along the outside front of your hip. On this page, I'm going to share some crucial ideas to fix your hip pain, and I'm going to share a few videos with specific exercises to help you fix your TFL pain. I'll show you some tensor fasciae latae stretches and some tensor fasciae latae exercises to make sure you get to the root of your pain and weakness.

If you implement what you see here, your hips (and your hip mobility) will thank you!


Quick Overview of the Tensor Fasciae Latae

The TFL is right here on the front, outside of your hip. it attaches to the ilium and blends in with the IT band and attaches all the way down to the lateral condyle of your tibia (shin bone).

It helps...

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Why Massage Sometimes Makes Your Body Feel Worse

Massage and myofascial release are great for temporary pain relief, releasing tension, and to kickstart recovery, but you may need to add functional training to strengthen muscles and relieve tension and pain in the long-run.


Table of Contents

The Pros and Cons of Massage and Myofascial Release

When is Massage Good for Tight Muscles?

Understanding Short, "Tense" Muscles

Tight and Stiff Muscles are Weak Muscles

How Massage Can Fix Stiff Muscles

Massage isn’t a Permanent Solution for Tight Muscles and Joint Pain

Add Functional Training to Build Strength

When NOT to Use Massage for Tight Muscles

The Best Use of Massage for Tight Muscles


The Pros and Cons of Massage and Myofascial Release

If your muscles always feel tight...

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How to sleep with anterior pelvic tilt

How should you sleep if you have an anterior pelvic tilt? If you sleep in the wrong position, will it make your tilt worse? If you sleep in a good position, will it make it better?

If you have an anterior pelvic tilt we have some great information for you, including  how to sleep to improve your alignment, and a video to help you understand the best position for your pelvis at night.

 woman showing anterior pelvic tilt

What is anterior pelvic tilt?

An anterior tilt is when the front of your pelvis is tipped towards the floor. It's not a terrible orthopedic condition. It just means certain muscles are positioning your pelvis so that the front end is lower than ideal.

However, this position creates an arch in your lower back that is not ideal...

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Hard to get up from a chair? Part 2: Exercises to help you stand up

This is Part 2 in a series. If you want a more detailed understanding of WHY you have trouble getting up out of a chair, check out Part 1 here

A quick summary of why it's hard to get up from a chair

Long periods of sitting train your muscles into the sitting position. Standing requires those muscles to do something totally different. 

To help your body relearn how to stand (and with less of that creaky transition time), you need to give your body the right exercises. 

Let's show you a few simple ones right now! 


A simple exercise routine to help you get out of your chair

If you haven't done any exercise at all in years, you may only be able to do this full routine twice a week. But you...

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Hard to stand up after long periods of sitting? Part 1: The WHY

These days, a lot of people feel like it's hard to stand up after long periods of sitting. 

You're at the office, working on a report for a few hours, and you go to get something from the printer. When you try to stand, you feel like the Tin Man from Wizard of Oz getting out of your seat. 

You've been sitting at the dining table for twenty minutes. You go to stand up, and it's like your legs don't work anymore. 

What's going on here? And how do you fix it? 

In this article, we're going to look at WHY you have trouble getting up out of a chair and in part 2, we'll give you some simple exercises you can use to improve your body's strength and mobility gradually and safely.


Is getting up out of a...

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Joint Injections for Pain – Do Risks Outweigh Benefits?


Introduction to Joint Injections for Pain Relief 

Steroid injections are becoming as common as advil these days to treat joint pain. Doctors offer steroid injections to people suffering with hip, shoulder, knee, back and other joint pain as a way to relieve pain. Some swear by it and some feel absolutely nothing afterwards. 

Up until recently, these joint injections were thought to be low risk with nearly no side effects.  However, a recent study from the medical journal, Radiology, calls into question the safety of injections for joint pain

Let’s take a closer look at this study on steroid injections and what it means for you. The study found four main negative effects from steroid injections, and we will...

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Get a Deep Squat? Why bone shapes don’t matter and how to get deeper

Your deep squat sucks.

You keep finding yourself stuck with your hips way above your knees. No matter how many times you try to go deeper, it just feels like you're stuck. 

Your trainer or a P.T. might have said, "it's because your bones aren't made for squatting." You may have read this on the internet and been convinced that you're a genetic freak and cannot squat deep. 

Maybe you did a test online, and now you think it's definitive. You aren't a natural born squatter.

Let's dive into deep squats and show you a few things that will help  you squat deeper - regardless of your bone shape.

Billions of people eat their lunch in a deep squat every single day.


Hip mobility and deep squats

Let's talk about what your...

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19 Lessons, 6 Free Workouts, and 3 Powerful Strategies to crush chronic tension with this FREE course!

This self-paced video course teaches you time-tested techniques that will save you thousands of dollars in massage and chiropractic appointments!