Quick Snapping Hamstring Fix (Biceps Femoris Stretch + Meniscus Tear?)


If your knee snaps or you have been told you have snapping hamstring syndrome and want to fix it without surgery, you'll want to watch this video. You'll learn how to stretch the biceps femoris and relieve your knee pain without surgery.


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Deep Squats Are Not Safe (This Makes Me So Mad) + 1 POWERFUL Exercise!


In this video, I'm angry. Angry that so many "experts" on the internet are trying to convince people that deep squats are unsafe.

Don't let the bogus information ruin your day – deep squats are actually really safe (as long as you take it slow and gradual)! In this video, I'm going to share with you all the reasons why deep squats are safe. Don't let the nonsense stop you from getting the most out of your squats!


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2 Ways to Prevent Back Pain (FOR GOOD)


Are you suffering from back pain? Do you find it hard to get rid of back pain? In this video, we're going to show you two easy ways to prevent back pain and fix it if it does occur.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you get rid of back pain fast! We'll show you how to prevent back pain before it happens, as well as how to fix back pain when it does occur. If you're looking for methods to prevent back pain and get rid of it quickly, then this video is for you!


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The Key to a Better Stretch: How Long Do You Hold?


How long should you hold a stretch? What's the correct amount of time to hold a stretch? Let's dig in. Some experts say 2 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or 2 minutes is the right amount of time to hold a stretch. Who's right? What factors influence how long you should hold a stretch? Will holding a stretch too long hurt you or damage you permanently? This video covers the myths and the facts around stretching and how long you hold a stretch.


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Fix Knee Pain Kneeling Using the ATM Method


In this video, we're going to show you how to fix knee pain using the ATM method. This technique is a great way to relieve knee pain while you're kneeling, and it's easy to do.

Kneeling knee pain is a common problem, and it's easy to aggravate the injury further by doing nothing. In this video, we're going to show you how to use the ATM method to fix the knee pain and get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. Give this technique a try and see how it can help you relieve knee pain quickly and effectively!


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Why You Can't Sit Cross Legged (And How to Fix It)


If you can't sit with crossed legs (sometimes referred to as 'sitting indian style'), then this video is for you. You'll learn several exercises to improve hip mobility so you can sit with legs crossed. You'll stretch and strengthen your inner thigh muscles and outer hips. You'll also learn little stretches you can do throughout the day so you can gradually get better at sitting criss cross applesauce without hip or back pain.


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How to Strengthen Your Hip Flexors Safely


If you're looking to strengthen your hip flexors safely, then you need to check out this video! In this tutorial, we'll talk about the importance of hip flexor strength, how to strengthen them safely, and some easy hip flexor exercise exercises you can do at home. If you're struggling with hip flexor issues, this video is for you! By following along with our instructions, you'll be able to strengthen your hip flexors safely and improve your hip flexibility in no time!


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Time for a Cane or Walking Stick?


If you are thinking of using a walking stick or cane, it's important to remember not to rely on it TOO much. If you rely on your walker or cane, you will end up learning a muscle firing pattern that favors your obliques and shoulder muscles rather than your hip and leg muscles. This new firing pattern will make you RELY on your assistive device. If you want to maintain your mobility, use the cane, walker, or walking stick only as much as you REALLY need to AND make sure you focus on strengthening your legs and hips so you can maintain your physical independence.


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Tight Hamstrings - Why Static Stretching Doesn't Work (and What Does)


Learn how to fix tight hamstrings and why common static stretching techniques don't work. Discover a few hacks to improve your hamstring flexibility and strength.


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You'll Fail This Fitness Challenge (And It Might Kill You)


In this video you'll learn how to escape from your car. You'll learn beginner bodyweight exercises that will help you develop the strength and flexibility you need to get out of a car that's flooding with water. These beginner exercises will help you save your own life so you don't die in your car in heavy rains.


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19 Lessons, 6 Free Workouts, and 3 Powerful Strategies to crush chronic tension with this FREE course!

This self-paced video course teaches you time-tested techniques that will save you thousands of dollars in massage and chiropractic appointments!