The Best Workout to Do When Traveling!


This is a quick workout you can do at home or at a park. You'll use bodyweight exercises and a suspension trainer to build strength, balance, and coordination. You'll strengthen your chest, strengthen your legs, strengthen your shoulders, and strengthen your back with this simple workout.


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Leg Strengthening and IT Band Stretch for Long Drives


Leg strengthening that requires no equipment. IT band stretching that you can do anywhere. In this video, you'll learn how to strengthen your legs and stretch stiff IT band muscles while you're on long drives. Check out these simple, easy, and effective leg exercises and IT band stretches!


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Fix Groin Pain and Back Pain While Driving


If you get groin and back pain while driving, this workout will help you stretch out the right muscles. By stretching your QL and other abdominal muscles, you'll relieve back pain. By stretching your inner thighs, you'll relieve groin pain. These exercises for long drives will keep you pain free while you drive!


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Fix for Hip Pain While Driving? (Hip Flexors and Hamstrings)


If you get sore while driving, this video will help you. You'll learn how to stretch and strengthen your hip flexors and strengthen your sleepy hamstrings. These exercises for driving will help you stay comfortable and strong for the long haul.


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Do These Stiff Hip Stretches (So You Can Touch Your Toes)


If you are too stiff and tight to touch your toes, this stretching video will help you get more flexible. You'll do some simple static stretches to loosen your tight hamstrings so you can fold forward (hip flexion) and reach your toes!


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Why You Shouldn't Wear Barefoot Sandals


Wearing barefoot style sandals is great for your foot health. But one time you shouldn't wear barefoot sandals is when you're walking around nails and other construction materials. Make sure you're careful with your minimalist sandals so you don't end up with a nail in your foot!


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Stretches to Fix Pelvic Rotation


Learn how to fix a rotated pelvis in this video. You'll discover four exercises to fix pelvic rotation. One exercise for pelvic rotation will help you stretch your sides. The other stretches for pelvic rotation will help you unwind tight muscles that keep your pelvis rotated.


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The Physically Feeble Fallacy - DON'T BELIEVE IT


Learn the truth about the physically feeble fallacy. Discover why doctors advice about joint pain is so often wrong. Learn why trainers and physical therapists have totally screwed up understandings of human movement. And learn how to protect yourself from the lies and myths that pervade the medical world.


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Relieve Shoulder Pain from Cardio


You can get shoulder pain relief by doing some simple exercises to fix the muscle imbalances around your shoulder. If you get shoulder pain from endurance and stamina training, make sure your form is good, that your shoulder is stable, and that you are doing enough shoulder exercises to maintain good shoulder position during your running, walking, etc.



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Do Push-Ups with Proper Form!


To do push-ups with proper form, make sure your abs, glutes, and thighs are engaged. Get your head lined up with your spine and look at a spot on the floor somewhere between your hands. Keep your forearms as vertical as you can throughout the pushup, and make sure you stay within a controllable, pain-free range of motion. If you have wrist mobility issues, make sure you improve your mobility so you can do a full push-up safely! As you get more advanced at push-ups, you can work on asymmetrical push-ups, push-ups with rotations, and any other variation you can think of!


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19 Lessons, 6 Free Workouts, and 3 Powerful Strategies to crush chronic tension with this FREE course!

This self-paced video course teaches you time-tested techniques that will save you thousands of dollars in massage and chiropractic appointments!